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#include "Character.hpp"
const int Character::maxLevel = 0xffff;
const int Character::maxExperience = 0x0fffffff;
Character::Character(std::string characterName,
Element *characterAffinity)
this->name = characterName;
this->affinity = characterAffinity;
this->level = 1;
this->experience = 0;
this->maxHP = 100;
this->maxMP = 50;
this->curHP = this->maxHP;
this->curMP = this->maxMP;
Character::Character(std::string characterName,
Element *characterAffinity,
int characterLevel)
this->name = characterName;
this->affinity = characterAffinity;
this->level = characterLevel;
this->experience = characterLevel;
this->maxHP = characterLevel * 10;
this->curHP = this->maxHP;
this->maxMP = characterLevel * 5;
this->curMP = this->maxMP;
Character::Character(std::string characterName,
Element *characterAffinity,
int characterLevel,
int characterHP,
int characterMP)
this->name = characterName;
this->affinity = characterAffinity;
this->level = characterLevel;
this->experience = characterLevel;
this->maxHP = characterHP;
this->curHP = this->maxHP;
this->maxMP = characterMP;
this->curMP = this->maxMP;
std::string Character::getName()
return this->name;
int Character::getLevel()
if (this->level > Character::maxLevel)
return this->level;
int Character::getExperience()
if (this->experience > Character::maxExperience)
return this->experience;
int Character::getMaxHP()
return this->maxHP;
int Character::getCurHP()
if (this->curHP > this->maxHP)
return this->curHP;
int Character::getMaxMP()
return this->maxMP;
int Character::getCurMP()
if (this->curMP > this->maxMP)
return this->curMP;
void Character::levelUp()
if ((this->level <= maxLevel) && this->readytoLevelUp())
this->experience -= this->toNextLevel();
this->maxHP += 10;
this->maxMP += 5;
this->curHP = this->maxHP;
this->curMP = this->maxMP;
void Character::restoreHP(int n)
this->curHP += n;
if (this->curHP > this->maxHP)
this->curHP = this->maxHP;
void Character::restoreMP(int n)
this->curMP += n;
if (this->curMP > this->maxMP)
this->curMP = this->maxMP;
void Character::reduceHP(int n)
this->curHP -= n;
void Character::reduceMP(int n)
this->curMP -= n;
bool Character::isAlive()
return this->curHP > 0;
int Character::toNextLevel()
return (this->level + 1) * (this->level + 1);
bool Character::readytoLevelUp()
return (this->toNextLevel() <= this->experience);
void Character::increaseExperience(int n)
this->experience += n;
if (this->experience > maxExperience)
this->experience = maxExperience;
while (this->readytoLevelUp())
bool Character::canCastSpell(Spell *s)
return this->curMP >= s->getCost();
bool Character::castSpell(Spell *s, Character *t)
if (this->canCastSpell(s))
int pwr = s->getPower();
int spellCompatibility = s->getElement()->compatibilityAgainst(t->getAffinity());
if (spellCompatibility == Element::WEAK_COMPATIBILITY)
pwr /= 2;
else if (spellCompatibility == Element::STRONG_COMPATIBILITY)
pwr *= 2;
if (s->getType() == Spell::TYPE_DESTRUCTION)
else if (s->getType() == Spell::TYPE_RESTORATION)
return true;
return false;
void Character::rest()
this->curHP = this->maxHP;
this->curMP = this->maxMP;
void Character::kill()
this->curHP = 0;
void Character::revive()
if (this->curHP <= 0)
this->curHP = 1;
Element *Character::getAffinity()
return this->affinity;