- # Python2 ver.
- # If you use Python3 interpreter, the trouble will be in print format
- # [KSL Playground][Crypto][IDCC2018 DecryptME] written by Mr. Goodnight
- # Link: https://euectf.stikom-bali.ac.id/challenges#[IDCC]%20DecryptME
- # Flag: IDCC{S1mpl3_4nd_stR4ight}
- from base64 import *
- # Encryption algorithm
- # ciphertext = plaintext + keys
- with open('./enkripsi', mode = 'r') as f:
- ciphertext = f.read()
- # plaintext = ciphertext - keys
- # Make my own function to decrypt the ciphertext
- def decrypt(ciphertext, keys):
- plaintext = ""
- for num,char in enumerate (ciphertext):
- plaintext += chr((ord(char) - ord(keys[num % len(keys)])) % 127)
- return plaintext
- # keys = ciphertext - plaitext
- # Find the key by using known string attack
- # Then I found out that the key is raja
- known_string = b64encode("IDCC{")
- keys = ""
- for num,char in enumerate (known_string):
- keys += chr((ord(ciphertext[num]) - ord(char)) % 127)
- # Run the decrypt function the decode it
- keys = "raja"
- flag = b64decode(decrypt(ciphertext, keys))
- print ("Flag: {f}".format(f = flag))