- # Laravel + Drone
- [Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone) is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple yaml configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.
- ## Screenshots
- ```yml
- clone:
- git:
- image: plugins/git
- depth: 50
- tags: true
- pipeline:
- frontend:
- image: node:8.1.2
- group: laravel
- commands:
- - node -v
- - npm -v
- - yarn --version
- - yarn config set cache-folder .yarn-cache
- - yarn install
- - yarn run production
- backend:
- image: laradock/workspace:1.8-71
- group: laravel
- commands:
- - php -v
- - composer -V
- - cp .env.example .env
- - composer install --prefer-dist
- - php artisan key:generate
- - php artisan migrate
- - ./vendor/bin/phpunit
- fb:
- image: appleboy/drone-facebook
- pull: true
- secrets: [ fb_page_token, fb_verify_token ]
- to: 1234973386524610
- when:
- event: [ push, pull_request ]
- status: [ success, failure ]
- services:
- elasticsearch:
- image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.3.0
- redis:
- image: redis:latest
- postgres:
- image: postgres:9.5.5
- environment:
- - POSTGRES_DB=homestead
- - POSTGRES_USER=homestead
- ```
- ## Testing your Drone config
- Please try the following command to test drone config in local machine.
- ```sh
- $ drone exec
- ```