@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ |
<?php |
include "koneksi.php"; |
$data = new \stdClass(); |
$arr = array(); |
$arr1 = array(); |
$nim = $_POST['nim']; |
//-------------------------------------------Get Mahasiswa----------------------------------------------
$sql = "select * from vw_info_mhs_perwalian where nim = '$nim'"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$mahasiswa[] = $myRow; |
} |
$angkatan = $mahasiswa[0]['angkatan']; |
//-------------------------------------Cek Kampus----------------------------------------------------
$sql = "select bol_jimbaran from mhs_mf where str_nim = '$nim'"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$isJimbaran_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$isJimbaran = $isJimbaran_a[0]['bol_jimbaran']; |
if ($isJimbaran == 1){ |
$max = 25; |
}else{ |
$max = 35; |
} |
//-------------------------------------Cek Kelas Malam----------------------------------------------------
$sql = "select * from kelas_malam where str_t_ajaran ='2018/2019' and bol_semester = '1' and str_nim = '$nim'"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
if (odbc_fetch_array( $rs ) == null) |
$ismalam = '0'; |
else |
$ismalam = '1'; |
//-------------------------------------Cek karyawan----------------------------------------------------
$sql = "select bol_sts_kelas from mhs_mf where str_nim = '$nim'"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$karyawan[] = $myRow; |
} |
if ($karyawan[0]['bol_sts_kelas'] == '1'){ |
$ismalam = '1'; |
}else if ($karyawan[0]['bol_sts_kelas'] == '3'){ |
$ismalam = '1'; |
}else{ |
$ismalam = '0'; |
} |
//------------------------------------------Show Shcedules----------------------------------------------
if ($angkatan == '2018'){ |
$sql = "select A.str_kd_perwalian,A.tgl_perwalian,A.str_jam_perwalian,str_angkatan,C.jml
from perwalian_jadual A inner join SESI_2018_OFF C |
on A.str_kd_perwalian = C.str_kd_perwalian |
where A.str_thn_ajaran='2018/2019' and A.bol_semester='1' and A.bol_malam = '$ismalam' and A.bol_jimbaran = '$isJimbaran' |
and jml <'$max' and A.str_angkatan = '$angkatan'";
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
$count = 0; |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
array_push($arr, $myRow['jml']); |
array_push($arr1, $myRow['str_kd_perwalian']); |
} |
}else{ |
$sql = "select A.str_kd_perwalian,A.tgl_perwalian,A.str_jam_perwalian,str_angkatan,C.jml
from perwalian_jadual A inner join SESI_2018_OFF C |
on A.str_kd_perwalian = C.str_kd_perwalian |
where A.str_thn_ajaran='2018/2019' and A.bol_semester='1' and A.bol_malam = '$ismalam' and A.bol_jimbaran = '$isJimbaran' and A.tgl_perwalian = '2019/02/13' |
and jml <='150' and (A.str_angkatan = '$angkatan' or A.str_angkatan = '9999')";
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
$count = 0; |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
array_push($arr, $myRow['jml']); |
array_push($arr1, $myRow['str_kd_perwalian']); |
} |
} |
//------------------------------------------Selection Sort----------------------------------------------
for($i=0; $i<count($arr)-1; $i++) { |
$min = $i; |
for($j=$i+1; $j<count($arr); $j++) { |
if ($arr[$j]<$arr[$min]) { |
$min = $j; |
} |
} |
$backup_old_data_right_value = $arr[$min]; |
$arr[$min] = $arr[$i]; |
$arr[$i] = $backup_old_data_right_value; |
$backup_old_data_right_value = $arr1[$min]; |
$arr1[$min] = $arr1[$i]; |
$arr1[$i] = $backup_old_data_right_value; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------Cek Jadwal Kosong----------------------------------------------
$sql = "select * from perwalian_mhs where str_nim = '$nim' and str_semester = (select dbo.xSinakGetSemesterMahasiswa2('$nim','2018/2019','1'))"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
if (odbc_fetch_array( $rs ) == null){ |
echo ("insert"); |
//-------------------------------------------Get Romawi----------------------------------------------
$sql = "select dbo.xSinakGetSemesterMahasiswa2('$nim','2018/2019','1') as semester_romawi"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$romawi_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$romawi = $romawi_a[0]['semester_romawi']; |
//-------------------------------------------Get Bol Semester----------------------------------------
$sql = "select dbo.wGetBolSemester('$romawi') as bol_semester"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$bol_semester_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$bol_semester = $bol_semester_a[0]['bol_semester']; |
//-------------------------------------------Get Semester--------------------------------------------
$sql = "select dbo.xSinakGetSemesterMahasiswa1('$nim','2018/2019','1') as semester"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$semester_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$semester = $semester_a[0]['semester']; |
$sql = "insert into perwalian_mhs (str_nim, str_thn_ajaran, str_semester, bol_semester, num_no_perwalian, str_angkatan, str_kd_smt, str_kd_perwalian, num_urut, bol_cetak, tgl_perwalian, str_jam_perwalian, str_kd_perwalian_history, str_token_perwalian)
VALUES ('$nim', '2018/2019', '$romawi', '$bol_semester','0', '$angkatan', '$semester', '$arr1[0]', '0', '0', '', '', '', '')";
if(odbc_exec($conn,$sql)) |
$data = 'ok'; |
else |
$data = 'fail'; |
}else{ |
echo ("update"); |
//-------------------------------------------Get Romawi----------------------------------------------
$sql = "select dbo.xSinakGetSemesterMahasiswa2('$nim','2018/2019','1') as semester_romawi"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$romawi_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$romawi = $romawi_a[0]['semester_romawi']; |
//-------------------------------------------Get Bol Semester----------------------------------------
$sql = "select dbo.wGetBolSemester('$romawi') as bol_semester"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$bol_semester_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$bol_semester = $bol_semester_a[0]['bol_semester']; |
//-------------------------------------------Get Semester--------------------------------------------
$sql = "select dbo.xSinakGetSemesterMahasiswa1('$nim','2018/2019','1') as semester"; |
$rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); |
while($myRow = odbc_fetch_array( $rs )){ |
$semester_a[] = $myRow; |
} |
$semester = $semester_a[0]['semester']; |
$sql = "UPDATE perwalian_mhs
SET str_nim = '$nim', str_thn_ajaran = '2018/2019', str_semester = '$romawi', bol_semester = '$bol_semester', num_no_perwalian = '0', str_angkatan = '$angkatan', str_kd_smt = '$semester', str_kd_perwalian = '$arr1[0]', num_urut = '0', bol_cetak = '0', tgl_perwalian = '', str_jam_perwalian='', str_kd_perwalian_history='' |
where str_nim = '$nim' and str_semester = '$romawi'";
if(odbc_exec($conn,$sql)) |
$data = 'ok'; |
else |
$data = 'fail'; |
} |
header("location:"); |