# chat-app Table of Contents - [chat-app](#chat-app) - [Server](#server) - [Client](#client) - [Thanks to](#thanks-to) `NIM :` __160010136__ `Nama:` __Leonardo Deo Gratias Agamus__ This project is made to complete my Network Programming midterm assignment to make a simple chat application using python. This is a simple chat app that use socket for connection. ## Server You can run the server side script inside the server subdirectory by using: `__main__.py HOST PORT` or `__main__.py -h` to see the full help dialog ## Client You can run the client side script inside the client subdirectory by using: `__main__.py HOST PORT` or `__main__.py -h` to see the full help dialog ## Thanks to Thanks to these two article as my inspiration - https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/simple-chat-room-using-python - https://medium.com/swlh/lets-write-a-chat-app-in-python-f6783a9ac170