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#include <cstring>
class Character
char name[16];
int maxHp;
int hp;
int att;
int def;
Character(char *name)
strncpy(this->name, name, sizeof(this->name));
this->maxHp = 100;
this->hp = 100;
this->att = 10;
this->def = 5;
Character(char *name, int hp, int att, int def)
strncpy(this->name, name, sizeof(this->name));
this->maxHp = hp;
this->hp = hp;
this->att = att;
this->def = def;
bool checkDied()
return hp <= 0;
bool checkAlive()
return hp > 0;
int defend(int dmg)
dmg -= def;
if (dmg > 0)
hp -= dmg;
return dmg;
return 0;
int attack()
return att;