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  1. # Use ubuntu 19.04
  2. FROM ubuntu:latest
  3. EXPOSE 20202
  4. RUN apt-get update
  5. # install socat editor ssh
  6. RUN apt-get install socat -y
  7. RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" ksl
  8. RUN echo "ksl:sebuahrahasiamas" | chpasswd
  9. RUN mkdir chall
  10. WORKDIR /chall
  11. # Secure ENV
  12. COPY flag.txt .
  13. COPY version002 .
  14. COPY /var/tmp/
  15. RUN echo 'alias kill="echo no kill please!"' >> ~/.bashrc
  16. RUN chmod 700 /tmp /usr/bin/* /bin/* /dev/shm
  17. # RUN chmod 755 /usr/bin/env /bin/dash /bin/bash /bin/sh /bin/nc /bin/cat /usr/bin/curl /usr/bin/groups /usr/bin/id /bin/ls /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ruby
  18. RUN chown root:ksl /chall/version002
  19. RUN chmod 775 /chall/version002
  20. RUN chmod 775 /var/tmp/
  21. # Run Service
  22. CMD ["/var/tmp/"]