@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
from PIL import Image, ImageOps |
import wave, math, array, argparse, sys, timeit |
def parser(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
# Specified command options and its helps message |
parser.add_argument ("INPUT_FILE", help="Name of the image to be converted.") |
parser.add_argument ("-r", "--rotate", help="Rotate image 90 degrees.", action='store_true') |
parser.add_argument ("-i", "--invert", help="Invert image colors.", action='store_true') |
parser.add_argument ("-o", "--output", help="Name of the output wav file. Default value: out.wav).") |
parser.add_argument ("-b", "--bottom", help="Bottom frequency range. Default value: 200.", type=int) |
parser.add_argument ("-t", "--top", help="Top frequency range. Default value: 20000.", type=int) |
parser.add_argument ("-p", "--pixels", help="Pixels per second. Default value: 30.", type=int) |
parser.add_argument ("-s", "--sampling", help="Sampling rate. Default value: 44100.", type=int) |
# Create "arguments" object based on user input |
arguments = parser.parse_args() |
# Default values |
min_freq = 200 |
max_freq = 20000 |
sampling_rate = 44100 |
pixels = 30 |
output = "out.wav" |
rotate = False |
invert = False |
# Check arguments values |
if arguments.output: |
output = arguments.output |
if arguments.bottom: |
min_freq = arguments.bottom |
if arguments.top: |
max_freq = arguments.top |
if arguments.pixels: |
pixels = arguments.pixels |
if arguments.sampling: |
sampling_rate = arguments.sampling |
if arguments.rotate: |
rotate = True |
if arguments.invert: |
invert = True |
print ("------------------------------------ Simple Image To Sound Script ------------------------------------\n") |
print ('Input file: %s.' % arguments.INPUT_FILE) |
print ('Frequency range: %d - %d.' % (min_freq, max_freq)) |
print ('Pixels per second: %d.' % pixels) |
print ('Sampling rate: %d.' % sampling_rate) |
print ('Rotate Image: %s.' % ('Yes' if rotate else 'No')) |
return (arguments.INPUT_FILE, output, min_freq, max_freq, pixels, sampling_rate, rotate, invert) |
def convert (INPUT_FILE, output, min_freq, max_freq, pixels, sampling_rate, rotate, invert): |
image = Image.open (INPUT_FILE).convert ('L') |
# rotate image if requested |
if rotate: |
image = image.rotate (90) |
# invert image if requested |
if invert: |
image = ImageOps.invert (image) |
output = wave.open (output, 'w') |
output.setparams ((1, 2, sampling_rate, 0, 'NONE', 'not compressed')) |
freq_range = max_freq - min_freq |
interval = freq_range / image.size[1] |
samples = sampling_rate // pixels |
data = array.array ('h') |
# Converting process start |
time_start = timeit.default_timer() |
for x in range (image.size[0]): |
row = [] |
for y in range (image.size[1]): |
yinv = image.size[1] - y - 1 |
amplitude = image.getpixel ((x,y)) |
if (amplitude > 0): |
row.append (gen_wave (yinv * interval + min_freq, amplitude, samples, sampling_rate)) |
for i in range(samples): |
for j in row: |
try: |
data[i + x * samples] += j[i] |
except (IndexError): |
data.insert (i + x * samples, j[i]) |
except (OverflowError): |
if j[i] > 0: |
data[i + x * samples] = 32767 |
else: |
data[i + x * samples] = -32768 |
sys.stdout.write ("Conversion progress: %d%% \r" % (float(x) / image.size[0] * 100)) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
output.writeframes (data.tobytes()) |
output.close() |
# Converting process end |
time_end = timeit.default_timer() |
print ("Conversion progress: 100%") |
print ("Success. Completed in %d seconds." % int(time_end - time_start)) |
def gen_wave (frequency, amplitude, samples, sampling_rate): |
cycles = samples * frequency / sampling_rate |
wave = [] |
for i in range(samples): |
x = math.sin (float (cycles) * 2 * math.pi * i / float (samples)) * float (amplitude) |
wave.append (int (math.floor (x))) |
return wave |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
input_choice = parser() |
convert (*input_choice) |